Art of pleasure

The Art of Pleasure   Many people, men and women ask me, ‘How can I give my lover the best pleasure, the most delicious pleasure ever?’ Whether lovers are new, or committed, young or older, or heterosexual or same gender, where do you start? I suggest exploring methods and kinds various of pleasure sessions. Keys […]

Couples Coaching

when you don't see eye to eye

Feeling Uncomfortable and Finding Harmony  In the initial stages of most relationships when men and women meet and fall in love, there is lots of love and energy and intimacy, lots of lovemaking and lots of passion. Then, after a period of time many couples lose it. The Hite Report states that eighty five percent […]

Tantra is often Taboo

Indian journalist Spriha Srivastava interviewed Diane Riley for the Sunday Indian times. Sacred love versus pure sex;  Tantra is often taboo ! because people don’t understand it. People usually project their thoughts and fantasies in Tantra and think that’s what it is.  And when you speak of Tantra is often taboo. And that is why they tend to misunderstand […]

Maire Claire December 2013 – Part 2

Diane Riley of the Australian School of Tantra was approached by Lollie Barr from Marie Claire about an interview for an article titled: “I’d never had an orgasm until…” Diane put her in contact with a student who had never had an orgasm until exploring tantra, Is was published in Maire Claire Dec 2013…  Read part […]

Marie Claire Article Part 3

Diane Riley of the Australian School of Tantra was approached by Lollie Barr from Marie Claire about an interview for an article titled: “I’d never had an orgasm until…” Diane put her in contact with a student who had never had an orgasm until exploring tantra, Is was published in Maire Claire Dec 2013…  Read part […]

Maire Claire December 2013

Diane Riley of the Australian School of Tantra was approached by Lollie Barr from Marie Claire about an interview for an article titled “I’d never had an orgasm until…” Diane put her in contact with a student who had never had an orgasm until exploring tantra. Here is what she had to say: “I found […]

How To Connect with the Divine Self: BRAHMACHARYA

Kylie De Giorgio Interviewed  Diane for her “Yoga for Sex” article in the WellBeing Magazine read an extract from this same interview regarding Brahmacharya.  How To Connect With The Divine To Read Diane’s Interview for the article please click here.  In the classic yoga text The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one key ethical principle is […]

Yoga For Sex

Kylie Terraluna Interviewed  Diane for her “Yoga for Sex” article in the WellBeing Magazine read an extract from this same interview regarding Yoga For Sex.   To Read Diane’s Interview for the article please click here.  YOGA FOR SEX An authentic yoga practice of asana, pranayama and dhyana (meditation) can remove barriers that prevent you from connecting […]

Going Solo- How To Enjoy Sex More As a Woman.

Kylie De Giorgio Interviewed  Diane for her “Yoga for Sex” article in the WellBeing Magazine read an extract from this same interview regarding Going Solo. How to enjoy sex more as a woman. To Read Diane’s Interview for the article please click here.  GOING SOLO If you are not in a loving sexual relationship with […]

Kundalini & AYURVEDA

Kylie De Giorgio Interviewed  Diane for her “Yoga for Sex” article in the WellBeing Magazine read an extract from this same interview regarding kundalini & AYURVEDA   To Read Diane’s Interview for the article please click here.  KUNDALINI Katie Manitas of Jivamukti Yoga says kundalini yoga is often incorrectly thought of as sex yoga. Yogi Bhajan, the […]