Yoga For Sex

Kylie Terraluna Interviewed  Diane for her “Yoga for Sex” article in the WellBeing Magazine read an extract from this same interview regarding Yoga For Sex.


To Read Diane’s Interview for the article please click here. 


An authentic yoga practice of asana, pranayama and dhyana (meditation) can remove barriers that prevent you from connecting with your own divinity. Yoga is not about striving for an end goal or forcing yourself beyond what you are ready for; neither is a deeply satisfying spiritual-sexual experience with someone you love.

In yoga practice, if you surrender to the present moment, practice joyfully without judgment, challenge yourself safely and allow the breath to move you closer to knowing the universal self, you can move into lasting peace and happiness. Sex can do the same while providing an intimate and joyful connection with your partner (or yourself) as a divine human connection and expression of love.

When you approach sex with conscious awareness and become mindful in every moment, you let go of striving for sexual performance and instead become open and generous in the spirit of what you can offer each other. In this act of offering without expectation, you transcend cultural sexual dysfunction and allow the loving act of sex to become a yoga practice in itself, developing awareness, respect and intimacy.

Senior hatha yoga teacher Eve Grzybowski talks of the humility and devotion to the relationship a commitment to sexual union brings, particularly after an argument. Someone has to surrender, she days. A sexual relationship based on devotion, generosity and mental flexibility improves all other relationships in your life.


To increase your sex life/ drive to another level adapt yoga for sex to combine tantric techniques to become a better lover and partner.