Slow Sex

Slow Sex Slow Sex!  Most reactions is hurry up! Get it off! No time to slow down.  It may be the best gift to give to yourself and your lover. Slow down…!!!!!!!  yum… why be in such a hurry ??? Slow Sex and sacred sex | Are you in a Hurry | Are you feeling […]

Art of pleasure

The Art of Pleasure   Many people, men and women ask me, ‘How can I give my lover the best pleasure, the most delicious pleasure ever?’ Whether lovers are new, or committed, young or older, or heterosexual or same gender, where do you start? I suggest exploring methods and kinds various of pleasure sessions. Keys […]

Couples Coaching

when you don't see eye to eye

Feeling Uncomfortable and Finding Harmony  In the initial stages of most relationships when men and women meet and fall in love, there is lots of love and energy and intimacy, lots of lovemaking and lots of passion. Then, after a period of time many couples lose it. The Hite Report states that eighty five percent […]

my mum teaches Tantra

My Mum teaches Tantra! What did you say, when young adults, to the question ‘What does you mum do?’. Apart form all the regular answers of what mums do for their families?  Many may ask, ‘Does she work? My daughters would say ‘She teachers tantra?”, and remember this was quite a few years ago. Responses […]

Tantra Love

 What is Tantra Love ? Tantra Love Tantra Love is about expanding and deepening our  life.  Tantra is deepening connections to love, and our flow of love inwardly and outwardly. Tantra love encourages presence and conscious relating. Tantra love combines soulfulness, relationship  and sexuality , and is a guide to live life passionately, with love […]

Advanced Sexual Secrets for Men

Tantric Secrets for Men Advanced Tantric secrets for Men Tantric Secrets for Men ABSORBING SHAKTI ENERGY One of the least understood Tantric Secrets for Men is absorption of shakti energy, come along to the LoveWorks Tantra teacher training in Feb yet it is a subtle energy that you can pick up any time you are […]

Learn Tantric massage

Learn Tantric Massage Learn Tantric massage at the LoveWorks Training When you learn tantric massage it has the potential for you to give your man more pleasure than he has ever experienced before. He may have had a massage before, but not like the one you are about to give him. Traditional masseurs avoid […]

The Living Room, interview

tantric massage

Interview on ‘The Living Room’ Australian School of Tantra, established in 1987. ‘Our vision is to facilitate access to the theories and practices of contemporary Tantra, including, relationship connection and sacred sexuality to enhance harmony, fulfilment and transformation for individual and couples.” The Australian School of Tantra has professional accredited educators offering LoveWorks Couples Coaching […]

How Tantra Can Improve Your Relationship?

Diane was interviewed and asked some questions on how tantra can improve your relationship. See the interview below   What are some causes of poor libido? Stress, sickness, small children, pregnancy, menopause, tiredness, emotional upset, all sorts of reasons why libido gets out of sync. How can a partner’s poor libido affect a relationship? Yes […]


Tantra – Sexperimentation an interview with Diane Riley [youtube height=”500″ width=”640″][/youtube]