Slow Sex
Slow Sex Slow Sex! Most reactions is hurry up! Get it off! No time to slow down. It may be the best gift to give to yourself and your lover. Slow down…!!!!!!! yum… why be in such a hurry ??? Slow Sex and sacred sex | Are you in a Hurry | Are you feeling […]

Alone-ness What is it to explore and continue to find your own alone-ness? Many people in relationship are trying to remain themselves. Both lovers are related and yet independent and hence often a struggle arise. They forget to discuss their values, aspirations and activities or ideas and may become resentful. What can we do: Giving […]
Connecting Deeper vs Phone use

Connecting deeper vs phone use ….This spills over into on going relationships. How much phone use do you do? Does your partner do? Have you had enough of alienation, Has enough of wasting Love making time, Do you want some coaching to open and reignite a truly passionate love life? Where is the human […]
Sacred sexuality intimacy connection and dating aps

Sacred sexuality | Intimate connection | Dating Aps By Lucy Fisher Featured writer for Australian School of Tantra ( with Diane Riley) Dating Aps: As a single 30 – something woman looking for love, I can’t help but observe a rapidly changing climate in the dating aps world. Beneath the fun, frivolous, commitment free, variety filled […]
Tantra Love

What is Tantra Love ? Tantra Love Tantra Love is about expanding and deepening our life. Tantra is deepening connections to love, and our flow of love inwardly and outwardly. Tantra love encourages presence and conscious relating. Tantra love combines soulfulness, relationship and sexuality , and is a guide to live life passionately, with love […]
Taste of Love sensation

A Taste of Love Sensation What does the ‘ A Taste of Love’ bring to you? Open your senses, relax and dive deeper into what delights your senses can offer your body. You can practice enjoying a Taste of Love. We are often too busy to take a moment to sit and receive the bounties […]
Tantra Goddess in Women
Tantra Goddess for Women Feminine essence is a potent transformative energy that flows in a woman when her sexual and spiritual energies connect in a unified way. This is about the Tantra Goddess for women. This essence has always been repressed and exploited for centuries. We are only aware of a fraction of its potential. […]
Advanced Sexual Secrets for Men

Tantric Secrets for Men Advanced Tantric secrets for Men Tantric Secrets for Men ABSORBING SHAKTI ENERGY One of the least understood Tantric Secrets for Men is absorption of shakti energy, come along to the LoveWorks Tantra teacher training in Feb yet it is a subtle energy that you can pick up any time you are […]
Learn Tantric massage
Learn Tantric Massage Learn Tantric massage at the LoveWorks Training When you learn tantric massage it has the potential for you to give your man more pleasure than he has ever experienced before. He may have had a massage before, but not like the one you are about to give him. Traditional masseurs avoid […]
Does tantra ignite a spiritual awakening?

Can Tantra trigger a kundalini experience? This was a question from some one interested in sacred sexuality and tantra .You can’t predict if it may happen, however it can.Tantra can be life changing, changing the way sexuality is in your life.Bringing more pleasure. Body awareness. Breath awareness. Awareness of your self in relation to your […]