Tantra as a Spiritual Path



Tantra as a Spiritual Path

Your intimate connection with a partner is not only a way to explore pleasure and love, it is also a way to find, and deepen your spiritual path.

It is valuable to set aside special times to treat your lovemaking as a spiritual practice.

Meditation, prayer, ritual and ceremony are common practices people use on a spiritual path and these can be combined into lovemaking by:

Creating the right attitude.

Plan with your partner : ‘Let’s make love as a meditation today.’

This creates the mind-set that everything you do in this particular session is for your spiritual growth.

Creating a special space, prepare and tidy the space perhaps  by placing ritual objects on a small table nearbyflowers, incense, candles and other special objects of spiritual significance for you.

Sitting opposite each other and making a devotion.

This is like a prayer where you can say things such as

‘May our energy and intention of our lovemaking today be devoted to our bonding, understanding ourselves and each other. speaking words of kindness daily and frequently to each other,’

What ever is appropriate for you.

Discover more about Tantra as a spiritual path.

Learn more in the Tantra LoveWorks sessions for couples, singles and in the professional Loveworks Tantra trainings.