Tantric sex lessons with Australian School of Tantra


Cosmopolitan Article December 2007


Sydney , Melbourne , Perth , Newcastle

Cosmo ‘tried and tested’   Want your own private or group lesson ?

Tantric sex lessons Cosmo – Samantha Brett December 2007

Extract from Cosmo 2007 Tan


tric Sex Lessons: ‘Rapper Diddy says it gives him 30 hours of pleasure, Sting says it saved his marriage. Scarlet Johansson dabbled with Josh Hernett. Tantra 5000 year old practice improves your sex life.

Australian School of Tantra gives lessons in tantra and tantric massage.’ Michelle gives Samantha lessons on lingum massage to help his lingum feel a metre long. .. If done correctly, multiply orgasms should ensure’. Sensual massage opens up sexual energy… to open up the sex chakras…’ Read more in Cosmo… page 132 Cosmo Decemeber 2007cosmo1

Tantric Sex Lessons Cosmo Decemeber 2007 reference www.australianschooloftantra.com

Tantric massage for women and Tantric massage for womens partners.

Samantha Brett learned with the Australian School of Tantra

Media items and releases about Kerry and Diane Riley, TantraGoddessOz.com and the AustralianSchoolofTantra.com.au…..
