Living Now Tantric Sex Article

Living Now. September issue 2005….

Many women sense that their sexuality is much more expansive and powerful than they or their partners may be prepared to acknowledge or explore. Perhaps we are hesitant to do so because we are not quite sure where this will take us. Yet some of us have had a glimpse of a sacred sexual experience and know there is more. Increasingly women and men want to explore the sacred aspects of sex and relationship to discover ways that sexual loving can open the doors of enlightment for their beloved and themselves.
West Australian May 07

‘Spending just a few minutes each day with your partner can help revive a flagging sex drive and improve your relationship.

Australian School of Tantra, director Diane Riley helps Perth couples to reconnect through Tantra.

Learning Tantra can help renew passion and connection in a relationship, teach couples to focus on lovemaking rather than having sex and explain how to reduce the stress in relationships.

Diane Riley urges her clients to practice a ritual she calls daily devotion, where partners take five minutes out together in a sexual way without any movement, expectations or orgasm.

‘You hold each other in sexual embrace with no movement- heart to heart, just holding each other, with synchronized breathing. Then you will feel very close to your partner- women feel emotionally nurtured, men feel sexually nurtured. Do this for five days in a row and it’ll help your libidos become balanced.’

By Maya Anderson copyright West Australian May 07
