” What I’m going to share with you experience I consider the diamond in the Lotus of my work”. As a guest at the Taste of Love festival this Saturday 14th April 2018 in Byron Bay
The roots of this practice came from Tibetan Monasteries where human mandalas were formed on the floor and they would chant.
De Raaj, an amazing teacher brought it to the west, and adapted it to include his expertise in Tibetan Pulsing.
Kerry has adapted it again to ad Tantric practice so there will be Kundalini running through the group.
Sacred rituals and ceremonies are often done in groups using dance, movement and prayer which we will include.
“When you pulsate from your head to your toes, when every fibre of your being vibrates, when you are over flowing with laughter and joy – you have experienced a pulsing Mandala.”
An opportunity to rock you into your inner radiance.
Interactive and Experiential parts
We will be forming mandalas in groups of eight around the room.
In this workshop we don’t remove any clothing or engage in any overt sexual activity, yet I have every confidence it will be a high tantric experience for you.
Core Benefits for Participants of this Session
Group energy can magnify the bio electrical energy moving through your body, healing conscious and un conscious blockages on many levels; sexually , emotionally and spiritually
During the practice everyone tunes into the same breath and heart beat it becomes ONE HEART BEAT, which can open you to more love, joy and pleasure. Especially in your sex life. If you go for it 100% your next lovemaking session will be transformed
The Tibetan monks used their human mandalas to prepare the body for experiences of bliss and enlightenment – you will certainly get the bliss ( I don’t know about enlightenment )
During the practice endorphins are released giving you an uplifted feeling of well – being
Discover your inner radiance