About Men Documentation Featuring Tantra

Men and Sex

Tantra Interviews: SBS : david and Kim : Sexperimentation

See Video clips below
and fact sheet ‘about men and women’

RonandGaySBSSBS – Boys to Men- episode three- Wed 9th Sept 2009

About Men

About Men is a documentary series on SBS that explores the major life stages, transitions and experiences of boys and men living in Australia.

Third episcode on SBS of ‘about men’, “Getting of wisdom’ features Ron and his vivacious wife Gay, they speak with passion and humour about their love of each other and their passion! Which keeps them enjoying life to the full.

Ron and Gay invested time and energy into their relationship to keep their passion charged and explored tantric sexuality lessons with The Australian School of Tantra About men on SBS . Diane Riley introduced them to tantric skills to open emotional intimacy and also to tantric breathing and sexual meditation practices. Tantra – tantric sexuality has also been screened on Sixty minutes with couples exploring their romance and sexuality.