References books

References Bibliography Aldred, Caroline, Divine Sex, New York, NY. Harper and Collins,1996. Anand, Margo, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy, Los Angeles, Jeremy P.Tarcher, 1989. Anand, Margo, The Art of Sexual Magic, Great Britain, Piatkus, 1995. Ashcroft-Nowicki, The Tree of Ecstasy, London, Grafton Books, 1991. Brauer and Brauer, ESO, Extended Sexual Orgasm , Warner Books, 2001. […]


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Love and Passion

Love and Passion Two weeks , two years , 2 decades and still going. How long will love and passion last ? What are the secrets? What are the secrets of a passionate relationship that keeps the spark alive and sparkling for partners to feel desired appreciated and supported ? How can we keep loving, […]

my mum teaches Tantra

My Mum teaches Tantra! What did you say, when young adults, to the question ‘What does you mum do?’. Apart form all the regular answers of what mums do for their families?  Many may ask, ‘Does she work? My daughters would say ‘She teachers tantra?”, and remember this was quite a few years ago. Responses […]