Tantra Canberra Couples Sessions
Working from both Canberra and Batemans Bay, Chery is a qualified Holistic Counsellor, Reiki Master and energetic healer, co-owner of a Lifestyle, Wellness and Education Centre who also works as a trainer in the area of community wellbeing at the Batesman Bay Adult Education Centre. Chery has completed her accreditation with The Australian School of Tantra in Individual and Couples LoveWorks Tantra Practice and now offers tantra couples sessions.
After participating in a mini workshop with Diane and Kerry at the Sydney MBS in 1994, Chery has followed a soul calling to work with their contemporary Tantra practises to enhance the quality of intimate relationships of her clients. The honouring and devotional practises, that are the foundation of their teachings, are like a ‘coming home’ for Chery, and are her inspiration to encourage others to have more soulful connections in their lives.
How A Tantra Couples Sessions Can Help Your Relationship
Chery believes that the foundation relationship in society is with oneself and then outward through intimate ones into the larger community. As someone begins to recognise the sacred gift they are and they start to contribute that awareness into all their relationships their lives step out of the ordinary and into delight.
Tantra Canberra & Bateman’s Bay
Chery has witnessed that even in the busiest of lifestyles for couples it is possible to reconnect at such a deep level with LoveWorks simple yet effective techniques that the eyes of the couple sparkle as they rediscover the passion they hold for their mate. They take that out into their everyday lives and the greater community is better off for that one deepening relationship.
Laya Ross, Masters in Social Science (Family Therapy), Mediator and Yoga teacher from Melbourne speaks of Chery “Your healing presence and the work that you are called to do brings amazing possibilities to the people who are blessed to come to you. As you work, your gentle, sensitive and non-judgemental nature allows people to come close to their truth, to connect at the deepest level.”
Work colleagues and associates admire the compassion and wisdom Chery displays in all her professional workings.
Chery is based in Batemans Bay (near Canberra) and is available for appointments via the ‘ Contact us ’ link on this page
We really loved the tantra classes and Chery’s kindness. She is an amazing and inspiring teacher. We thank her for offering her knowledge and skills to introduce us to a better way of live!
Camila & Carlos