Tantra Love

What is Tantra Love ? Tantra Love Tantra Love is about expanding and deepening our life. Tantra is deepening connections to love, and our flow of love inwardly and outwardly. Tantra love encourages presence and conscious relating. Tantra love combines soulfulness, relationship and sexuality , and is a guide to live life passionately, with love […]
Tantra Goddess in Women
Tantra Goddess for Women Feminine essence is a potent transformative energy that flows in a woman when her sexual and spiritual energies connect in a unified way. This is about the Tantra Goddess for women. This essence has always been repressed and exploited for centuries. We are only aware of a fraction of its potential. […]
Women’s Weekend Workshop – Robertson – Celebrate menopause
~ Living the Dance: using Arts Therapies to Enhance our Lives ~ Next event: Women’s Weekend Workshop Moving Menopause: Enhancing the Journey ~ Discovering how to more fully embrace and celebrate the passage of menopause ~ Through modalities such as naturally expressive movement and dance, pastels, clay-work, writing, body-sense; mindfulness skills and meditation, (no former […]
Womens Weekend Workshop
Women’s Menopause Weekend Workshop ~ Living the Dance: using Arts Therapies to Enhance our Lives ~ Next event: Women’s Weekend Workshop Moving Menopause: Enhancing the Journey ~ An open and heartful enquiry into the passage of menopause ~ Utilising a range of modalities such as naturally expressive movement and dance, pastels, clay, writing, body-sense and […]
How Tantra Can Improve Your Relationship?
Diane was interviewed and asked some questions on how tantra can improve your relationship. See the interview below What are some causes of poor libido? Stress, sickness, small children, pregnancy, menopause, tiredness, emotional upset, all sorts of reasons why libido gets out of sync. How can a partner’s poor libido affect a relationship? Yes […]
Tantric Sex Dvd Testimonial
See below what one of our viewers had to say about “The Secrets of Sacred Sex: A Guide To Intimacy & Loving” Dvd. I have written to you because after watching your interview on TV with David & Kim, I thought to myself, why not… I really should share something with you both, and […]
Tantra and vagina- A woman’s sacred place!
Sydney Morning Herald Dec 11, 2009 Marie-Louise Olson (she interviews Diane Riley from the Australian School of Tantra and the director of Sexy and Sacred Workshops for women.) Writes….. In an era of rampant female sexuality it’s ironic that women’s genitalia remains taboo, The vagina. When was the last time you said the “v” word […]
Tantric sex lessons with Australian School of Tantra

Cosmopolitan Article December 2007 Sydney , Melbourne , Perth , Newcastle Cosmo ‘tried and tested’ Want your own private or group lesson ? Tantric sex lessons Cosmo – Samantha Brett December 2007 Extract from Cosmo 2007 Tan tric Sex Lessons: ‘Rapper Diddy says it gives him 30 hours of pleasure, Sting says it saved his marriage. Scarlet Johansson dabbled with Josh Hernett. Tantra […]
Sexual Intimacies In Women
Sexual intimacies, A lot of women enjoy sex and yet say to me there is something missing, there must be something more. They have already done all the positions, oral and anal! They love sex and their partner but something is missing. Often what is missing is that special intimacy that can help transform sex […]
Tantra and vagina- A woman’s sacred place!
Sydney Morning Herald Dec 11, 2009 Marie-Louise Olson (she interviews Diane Riley from the Australian School of Tantra and the director of Sexy and Sacred Workshops for women.) Writes….. In an era of rampant female sexuality it’s ironic that women’s genitalia remains taboo, The vagina. When was the last time you said the “v” word […]